
order printed cards

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All the cards on this website are available as high-resolution PDFs that you can freely download and print for yourself. But for those who wish to have more durable copies for personal study and sharing or gifts, we offer boxed sets of printed cards.

If we could afford to distribute these beautiful cards to everyone at no cost, we would, but unfortunately, our resources don't permit that. So we charge for the cost of shipping, and ask people who can afford more to consider making a donation. If you don't have the means to make a donation, we will send you the cards for the cost of shipping only. For delivery addresses outside of the Continental U.S., contact us directly for shipping costs.

Please make a donation if you're moved to. Donations from people who can afford to pay more help fund the free cards sent to others. Your donation will also provide us more resources to continue printing the cards and sending them to libraries, waiting rooms, prisons, and other places where people can freely access them.

Click the button below to place your order using PayPal and to select the number of card sets you want. You do not need to have a PayPal account to place an order, you may simply use a credit card if you wish.

Contact us if you have any problems or questions.